Stick N Stitch Self Adhesive Wash Away Stabilizer Twelve sheets of 8-1/2 x 11
Fabric Pencil 1.3mm Blue
Fabric Pencil 1.3mm Pink
Curved Safety Pins in a Flower Case 75ct
Created with Fiskars 8in Scissors Playful Posies
Embroidery Scissors Sewing Notions Patterns
Lori Holt Nifty Needles
Lori Holt Trim-It Square Ruler Pack - 2-1/2in,3-1/2in,4-1/2in,5-1/2in,6-1/2in
Micro Flathead Screwdriver With Keychain
Easy Grip Pliers Display 24pc
Sew Easy LED Seam Ripper With Magnifier Display
#5 Emmaline Zippers-by-the-Yard 3yds Black
Mini Hex N More Keychain Ruler
Hex N More Ruler